Arizona's Resisting Arrest Laws: Felony or Misdemeanor Charges

Investigative Article: Decoding Resisting Arrest Laws in Arizona


Resisting arrest is a common offense that can lead to serious consequences. In Arizona, resisting arrest is classified under various levels, such as a class 6 felony for actions that pose a substantial risk or involve physical force against an officer trying to make an arrest. However, not every act or failure to act in the face of an arrest will lead to felony charges. The shades of gray around resisting arrest laws in Arizona can be confusing and require close examination to avoid significant penalties.

Different Levels of Resisting Arrest Laws in Arizona

The state of Arizona has classified resisting arrest into four categories. For the first category, resisting arrest, or hindering an arrest without a substantial risk of causing physical injury to the officer, results in a class 1 misdemeanor. The second category is resisting arrest with the use of force or violence that poses a considerable risk to the arresting officer. This offense is a class 6 felony. The third category includes resisting arrest with the use of a deadly weapon or physical force against the arresting officer resulting in serious bodily injury. This act is considered a class 4 felony. Lastly, resisting arrest with the use of a deadly weapon or physical force that can result in significant harm or death to the law enforcement officer is classed as a class 2 felony.

Nonviolent Resistance Still Carries Serious Penalties

Nonviolent resistance is refusing to submit to an arrest without the use of violence. Deliberately walking away or fighting without striking is categorized as nonviolent resistance as well. Although these acts may label as nonviolent resistance, they can still lead to serious penalties. Nonviolent resistance against an arresting officer can result in a class 2 misdemeanor, which carries a maximum of four months in jail and up to $750 in fines. It can also result in the maximum sentence of three years of probation, a mandatory drug test, and several other consequences.

The Importance of Hiring a Knowledgeable Attorney to Defend Resisting Arrest Charges in Arizona

Arrestees face severe penalties when charged with resisting arrest. It is imperative to hire a skilled, experienced attorney who knows the law and how to use it in court effectively. Abiding by the law can mean the difference between misdemeanor and felony convictions. A savvy defense lawyer can identify technicalities in the prosecution's case and explore all possible defenses, which may result in a reduced charge or case dismissal if appropriate.

Applicable Defenses for Resisting Arrest Charges in Arizona

Defending a resisting arrest charge requires a keen understanding of current law and strategies. Possible defenses in resisting arrest cases include proving a lack of probable cause, self-defense, agency, and entrapment. A lack of probable cause defense is when the arresting officer lacks the legal right to make an arrest. Self-defense is a common defense when the responder's use of force during the arrest is justified. The entrapment defense applies when an officer coerces someone to commit a crime they usually would not commit. Finally, agency defense is feasible when the arresting officer is acting outside their jurisdiction or without authority.

How Resisting Arrest Charges Can Affect an Arizona Resident

Resisting arrest charges can impact many areas of an Arizona resident's life. A criminal record can cause difficulty in gaining employment. Additionally, a resisting arrest conviction can necessitate court-ordered community service, fines, probation, and jail time, which will take a significant toll on an individual's life.


Resisting arrest charges in Arizona are serious offenses that require a knowledgeable defense attorney. Regardless if a person's behavior was violent or nonviolent, resisting an arrest can land an individual in jail or bring other severe consequences. It is crucial to know your rights and devise a strong defense to minimize or eliminate the possibilities of harsh penalties. Consulting a defense lawyer who possesses the expertise to represent resisting-arrest charges is crucial to salvaging an individual's future. Resisting Arrest Laws in Arizona

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