March Madness and DUIs: Get Help from an Arizona Criminal Lawyer

Feature Article: In-Depth Look at DUIs During March Madness in Arizona


Arizona is gearing up for the March Madness NCAA Final Four Fan Fest, set to take place from April 5th to 8th, with exciting events planned for sports enthusiasts and families. But with the festivities comes a risk for impaired driving and the possibility of facing DUI charges. This feature article examines the implications of DUIs during March Madness in Arizona and offers tips on how to handle this situation wisely.

The Impact of March Madness on DUIs in Arizona

March Madness is a highly anticipated event in Arizona, drawing large crowds to the Phoenix Convention Center. With an increased number of people attending the event, there is also a higher possibility of drunk driving incidents. According to a study published by the Arizona Governor's Office of Highway Safety, there were 329 alcohol-related crashes during the weekend of March Madness in 2018. It is important to note that Arizona has strict DUI laws, and a conviction can have severe consequences, including fines, license suspension, and even jail time. As such, it is crucial to handle any DUI arrest carefully.

The Legal Implications of DUIs in Arizona

In Arizona, a driver is considered "per se" impaired with a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of 0.08 or higher. However, drivers can face DUI charges even with a BAC below 0.08, if their driving is impaired by drugs or alcohol. A DUI conviction can result in a driver's license suspension for up to 90 days for a first offense. A second DUI offense within seven years can result in a license suspension for one year, and a third offense within seven years can result in a license suspension for three years.

Tips on How to Handle a DUI Arrest

If you are pulled over for a DUI during March Madness in Arizona, it is essential to handle the situation wisely. Here are some tips on how to proceed:

1. Remain Calm

Being pulled over by law enforcement can be intimidating, especially if you have been drinking. It is important to remain calm and avoid behaving confrontationally.

2. Cooperate with the Police

While being formally arrested for a DUI can be daunting, cooperating with the police can lead to a more favorable outcome. This means providing your license, registration, and insurance to the arresting officer, being courteous, and polite.

3. Contact a DUI Lawyer Immediately

When released after a DUI arrest, it is crucial to contact a DUI lawyer immediately to start working on your defense. An experienced DUI attorney can help you understand the charges against you and develop a compelling defense strategy.

4. Do Not Resist Arrest

Resisting arrest can lead to additional charges and penalties. It is crucial to follow the officer's instructions and comply with the arrest procedure.

5. Avoid Talking About the Arrest on Social Media

In today's digital age, social media can play a significant role in legal proceedings. Avoid discussing the arrest on social media platforms, as anything you post can be used against you in court.

6. Attend All Court Appearances

When charged with a DUI in Arizona, it is important to attend all court appearances to avoid additional penalties and demonstrate your level of commitment to the case.

7. Hire an Experienced DUI Lawyer

A DUI arrest can have life-long consequences, making it essential to hire an experienced DUI lawyer who can protect your legal rights. Be sure to choose a lawyer with extensive experience in DUI cases and a proven track record of success.


Attending the March Madness NCAA Final Four Fan Fest is an exciting event, and it's easy to get carried away with the celebrations. However, it is crucial to remember that driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Arizona can have severe legal consequences. It's important to handle any DUI arrest carefully, cooperate with law enforcement, and, most importantly, contact an experienced DUI attorney for legal guidance and defense. March Madness and DUIs in Arizona: Get Help from a Criminal DUI Lawyer

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