Understanding Citizen’s Arrest Laws in Arizona

Feature Article: The Complexities of Citizen's Arrest in Arizona

Have you ever wondered if you have the authority to detain someone you believe committed a crime? Citizen's arrest is a legal concept that allows civilians to arrest individuals suspected of crimes without a warrant. However, this doesn't mean that you can make an arrest whenever you want. In Arizona, citizens' arrest laws are complicated and come with a significant amount of responsibility and risk.

A Brief Overview of Citizen's Arrest in Arizona

Citizen's arrest is a legal tool that allows people to detain individuals who they believe have committed a crime, but law enforcement hasn't arrested yet. In Arizona, citizens' arrest laws are derived from common law, and state law enforces them. According to Arizona law, a citizen can make an arrest if a felony or misdemeanor offense occurred in their presence. In such cases, the citizen has the right to detain the suspect until law enforcement arrives. However, making an improper or unlawful arrest can have serious consequences.

The Risks and Consequences of Improper Arrests

While making a lawful citizen's arrest can be helpful to law enforcement, making an improper arrest can have significant risks and consequences. Arizona law states that citizens have the right to make arrests only if they witness a crime being committed. If a citizen makes an arrest without meeting this requirement, they can be held liable for false imprisonment, assault, or battery. Additionally, if the citizen uses excessive force or unlawfully detains the suspect for an extended period, he or she can be charged with kidnapping or false imprisonment.

When it is Appropriate to Make a Citizen's Arrest

While Arizona law allows citizens to make arrests, it's important to know when it is appropriate to do so. If you witness a felony or a misdemeanor offense happening, you may make an arrest if you feel confident that the suspect committed the crime. If you are uncertain, it's best to let law enforcement handle the situation. It's also essential to use only the necessary force to detain the suspect and to call law enforcement immediately.

The Importance of Contacting Law Enforcement

Since making a citizen's arrest comes with significant risks, if you decide to proceed with making an arrest, it's advisable to contact law enforcement immediately. Inform the police that you made an arrest, give them a description of the suspect, and the location where the arrest was made. Law enforcement will also need a description of what led to the arrest, the reason for the arrest, and the evidence that supports the arrest.

The Process of Citizen's Arrest in Arizona

Once a citizen has made an arrest, they have the right to detain the suspect until law enforcement arrives. Once law enforcement arrives, they take custody of the suspect. At this point, the citizen who made the arrest should provide the police with any evidence or information they can about the crime committed and why they made the arrest. The police will also take a statement from the citizen who made the arrest and any witnesses.


Citizen's arrest is a powerful tool that allows citizens to help law enforcement in apprehending suspects. In Arizona, citizens' arrest laws can be complicated, and making an improper arrest can result in serious consequences. If you decide to make a citizen's arrest, remember to use only necessary force, contact law enforcement immediately, and provide them with all the necessary information. If you need more information about citizen's arrest in Arizona, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney or check out azcriminalandfamilylaw.com.

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